Abhyanga or Abiyangam is an ayurvedic holistic healing massage therapy and not a conventional massage with innumerable health benefits. It is considered that there is no better expression of self-love anointing ourselves from head to toe with warm, Ayurvedic oil. This practice of full-body oil massage is known as Abhyanga. Similar to the experience of being loved, the practice nourishes the body, reinstates the balance of doshas and improves one’s well-being and longevity. There are many benefits to Abhyanga; some may even surprise you! Here's a list of 5 of our favourite and most surprising benefits from a continued and long-term Abhyanga practice.
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Benefits of Ayurvedic Massage
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Here is some benefits
- Eliminates body impurities and helps in reducing weight:
Today, every other person on this planet is suffering from the problem of overweight or obesity. People shell huge chunks of money on treatments and medicines for shedding their excess fat, but end up being disappointed. Try making this Ayurvedic massage your ultimate partner in weight loss program and experience surprising results without any side effects. In Ayurveda, excess body weight is considered as body imbalance. The medicated oils in Abhyanga massage acts as fat burner, getting rid of all the impurities and toxins from your body. - Calms nerves and promotes deeper and better sleep:
The sensation of Abhyanga is deeply nourishing to your brain, nervous system, mind, soul, skin and joints. The massage rouses a feeling of being wrapped in loving arms. It emulates the warmth and makes a powerful difference in how you feel about yourself as well as about everything and everyone around you. It replaces your anxieties with a sense of calmness and contentment. The oils used in the Ayurvedic massage is heavy, stable, warm, calm, and grounding- all the qualities of sound sleep. The massage will help you fall asleep and stay asleep all night long. - Softens and smoothens skin, reduces effects of ageing:
Dreaming of lush, soft skin in spite of seasonal changes without any sensation of dryness and cracking? Abhyanga oil therapy creates a buffer between your skin and harsh environmental effects, maintaining skin soft and supple. You can notice your increased resistance to dryness, cracking, and even bruising, thanks to the hydration and lubrication of the skin using Abhyanga. The Ayurvedic full-body massage also strengthens the fragile skin and increases skin's natural vibrant beauty helping skin to adopt the ageing process more gracefully and reduce wrinkles. - Improves blood circulation and stimulates internal organs:
Abhyanga stimulates blood circulation encouraging quick removal of metabolic wastes and providing instant relief to diseases and energy and stamina to last throughout the day. An unsung benefit of Abhyanga is its ability to stimulate and nourish internal organs. The massage helps in tuning up the functioning of the organs and optimises the body’s ability to flush out toxins. It also revitalises and energises the cells of the body. Take care of the most important thing you can: yourself. It is fascinating to note that Abhyanga has physical, emotional and psychological effects. Each one of us deserve to be cared for, nourished and loved. By making Abhyanga a practice, you are essentially thanking and taking care of yourself. It is important to prioritise your needs and this gives you the much needed "me time". The experience will give you a deep sense of warmth, stability, comfort and confidence.